Cofacts 真的假的 API server

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Cofacts Data User Agreement

Access data via this API means that you accept Cofacts data user agreement.

Please contact Cofacts WG to express your consent and apply for a client application in order to get app-id and app-secret. See Cofacts data user agreement for the detail of application.

Using this API

Cofacst API is a GraphQL server. You can visit /graphql endpoint for GraphQL playground. Send POST requests to /graphql endpoint to use the API. You can refer to this blog post by Apollo if you are new to GraphQL.

After getting your app-secret you can test out Cofacts API in CLI using this command:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-app-secret: <Your App Secret>" \
--data '{ "query": "{ ListArticles { totalCount } } " }' \

The command above should give you the total number of articles (reported messages) currently in the database, in JSON format:


GraphQL Schema

type Query {
  GetArticle(id: String): Article
  GetReply(id: String): Reply

      Gets specified user. If id is not given, returns the currently logged-in user.
      Note that some fields like email is not visible to other users.
  GetUser(id: String, slug: String): User
  GetCategory(id: String): Category
  GetYdoc(id: String!): Ydoc
    filter: ListArticleFilter
    orderBy: [ListArticleOrderBy]

    """Returns only first <first> results"""
    first: Int = 10

    Specify a cursor, returns results after this cursor. cannot be used with "before".
    after: String

    Specify a cursor, returns results before this cursor. cannot be used with "after".
    before: String
  ): ArticleConnection
    filter: ListReplyFilter
    orderBy: [ListReplyOrderBy]

    """Returns only first <first> results"""
    first: Int = 10

    Specify a cursor, returns results after this cursor. cannot be used with "before".
    after: String

    Specify a cursor, returns results before this cursor. cannot be used with "after".
    before: String
  ): ReplyConnection
    orderBy: [ListCategoryOrderBy]

    """Returns only first <first> results"""
    first: Int = 10

    Specify a cursor, returns results after this cursor. cannot be used with "before".
    after: String

    Specify a cursor, returns results before this cursor. cannot be used with "after".
    before: String
  ): ListCategoryConnection
    filter: ListArticleReplyFeedbackFilter
    orderBy: [ListArticleReplyFeedbackOrderBy]

    """Returns only first <first> results"""
    first: Int = 10

    Specify a cursor, returns results after this cursor. cannot be used with "before".
    after: String

    Specify a cursor, returns results before this cursor. cannot be used with "after".
    before: String
  ): ListArticleReplyFeedbackConnection
    filter: ListReplyRequestFilter
    orderBy: [ListReplyRequestOrderBy]

    """Returns only first <first> results"""
    first: Int = 10

    Specify a cursor, returns results after this cursor. cannot be used with "before".
    after: String

    Specify a cursor, returns results before this cursor. cannot be used with "after".
    before: String
  ): ListReplyRequestConnection
    filter: ListBlockedUsersFilter
    orderBy: [ListBlockedUsersOrderBy]

    """Returns only first <first> results"""
    first: Int = 10

    Specify a cursor, returns results after this cursor. cannot be used with "before".
    after: String

    Specify a cursor, returns results before this cursor. cannot be used with "after".
    before: String
  ): UserConnection!
    filter: ListAnalyticsFilter
    orderBy: [ListAnalyticsOrderBy]

    """Returns only first <first> results"""
    first: Int = 10

    Specify a cursor, returns results after this cursor. cannot be used with "before".
    after: String

    Specify a cursor, returns results before this cursor. cannot be used with "after".
    before: String
  ): AnalyticsConnection!
    filter: ListAIResponsesFilter
    orderBy: [ListAIResponsesOrderBy]

    """Returns only first <first> results"""
    first: Int = 10

    Specify a cursor, returns results after this cursor. cannot be used with "before".
    after: String

    Specify a cursor, returns results before this cursor. cannot be used with "after".
    before: String
  ): AIResponseConnection!
    filter: ListCooccurrenceFilter
    orderBy: [ListCooccurrenceOrderBy]

    """Returns only first <first> results"""
    first: Int = 10

    Specify a cursor, returns results after this cursor. cannot be used with "before".
    after: String

    Specify a cursor, returns results before this cursor. cannot be used with "after".
    before: String
  ): ListCooccurrenceConnection
  ValidateSlug(slug: String!): ValidationResult

type Article implements Node {
  id: ID!
  text: String

  """May be null for legacy articles"""
  createdAt: String
  updatedAt: String
  status: ReplyRequestStatusEnum!
  references: [ArticleReference]

  """Number of normal article replies"""
  replyCount: Int!

  Connections between this article and replies. Sorted by the logic described in
    Deprecated. Please use statuses instead. When specified, returns only article replies with the specified status
    status: ArticleReplyStatusEnum

    """Returns only article replies with the specified statuses"""
    statuses: [ArticleReplyStatusEnum!] = [NORMAL]

    """Show only articleReplies created by a specific app."""
    appId: String

    """Show only articleReplies created by the specific user."""
    userId: String

    """Show only articleReplies created by the specified users."""
    userIds: [String!]

    """Only list the articleReplies created by the currently logged in user"""
    selfOnly: Boolean
  ): [ArticleReply!]!

  Automated reply from AI before human fact checkers compose an fact check
  aiReplies: [AIReply!]!

  """Automated transcript"""
  aiTranscripts: [AITranscript!]!
    Deprecated. Please use statuses instead. When specified, returns only article categories with the specified status
    status: ArticleCategoryStatusEnum

    """Returns only article categories with the specified statuses"""
    statuses: [ArticleCategoryStatusEnum!] = [NORMAL]
  ): [ArticleCategory!]!

  """Number of normal article categories"""
  categoryCount: Int!
    """Returns only article replies with the specified statuses"""
    statuses: [ReplyRequestStatusEnum!] = [NORMAL]
  ): [ReplyRequest]
  replyRequestCount: Int
  lastRequestedAt: String

  If the current user has requested for reply for this article. Null if not logged in.
  requestedForReply: Boolean

  """The user submitted this article"""
  user: User
    filter: RelatedArticleFilter
    orderBy: [RelatedArticleOrderBy]

    """Returns only first <first> results"""
    first: Int = 10

    Specify a cursor, returns results after this cursor. cannot be used with "before".
    after: String

    Specify a cursor, returns results before this cursor. cannot be used with "after".
    before: String
  ): ArticleConnection!

  """Hyperlinks in article text"""
  hyperlinks: [Hyperlink]

  """Activities analytics for the given article"""
    """List only the activities between the specific time range."""
    dateRange: TimeRangeInput
  ): [Analytics]

  """Message event type"""
  articleType: ArticleTypeEnum!

  """Attachment URL for this article."""
  attachmentUrl(variant: AttachmentVariantEnum): String

  """Attachment hash to search or identify files"""
  attachmentHash: String
  cooccurrences: [Cooccurrence!]

  """Transcript contributors of the article"""
  contributors: [Contributor!]!

  """Time when the article was last transcribed"""
  transcribedAt: String

"""Basic entity. Modeled after Relay's GraphQL Server Specification."""
interface Node {
  id: ID!

enum ReplyRequestStatusEnum {

  """Created by a blocked user violating terms of use."""

type ArticleReference {
  createdAt: String!
  type: ArticleReferenceTypeEnum!
  permalink: String

"""Where this article is collected from."""
enum ArticleReferenceTypeEnum {
  The article is collected from the Internet, with a link to the article available.

  """The article is collected from conversations in LINE messengers."""

"""The linkage between an Article and a Reply"""
type ArticleReply {
  replyId: String!
  reply: Reply

  """Cached reply type value stored in ArticleReply"""
  replyType: ReplyTypeEnum
  articleId: String!
  article: Article

  """The user who conencted this reply and this article."""
  user: User
  userId: String!
  appId: String!
  canUpdateStatus: Boolean!
  feedbackCount: Int!
  positiveFeedbackCount: Int!
  negativeFeedbackCount: Int!
    """Returns only aricle reply feedbacks with the specified statuses"""
    statuses: [ArticleReplyFeedbackStatusEnum!] = [NORMAL]
  ): [ArticleReplyFeedback!]!

  The feedback of current user. null when not logged in or not voted yet.
  ownVote: FeedbackVote
  status: ArticleReplyStatusEnum!

  """May be null for legacy article-replies"""
  createdAt: String
  updatedAt: String

type Reply implements Node {
  id: ID!

  """The user submitted this reply version"""
  user: User

  """May be null for legacy replies"""
  createdAt: String
  text: String
  type: ReplyTypeEnum!

  The status of this reply, calculated from its author and article replies.
  status: ArticleReplyStatusEnum!
  reference: String
    """Deprecated. Please use statuses instead."""
    status: ArticleReplyStatusEnum

    """Returns only article replies with the specified statuses"""
    statuses: [ArticleReplyStatusEnum!] = [NORMAL]
  ): [ArticleReply!]!

  Hyperlinks in reply text or reference. May be empty array if no URLs are included. `null` when hyperlinks are still fetching.
  hyperlinks: [Hyperlink]

  """Replies that has similar text or references of this current reply"""
    orderBy: [SimilarReplyOrderBy]

    """Returns only first <first> results"""
    first: Int = 10

    Specify a cursor, returns results after this cursor. cannot be used with "before".
    after: String

    Specify a cursor, returns results before this cursor. cannot be used with "after".
    before: String
  ): ReplyConnection!

type User implements Node {
  id: ID!
  slug: String

  """Returns only for current user. Returns `null` otherwise."""
  email: String
  name: String
  bio: String

  """returns avatar url from facebook, github or gravatar"""
  avatarUrl: String

  return avatar data as JSON string, currently only used when avatarType is OpenPeeps
  avatarData: String
  avatarType: AvatarTypeEnum

  """Returns only for current user. Returns `null` otherwise."""
  availableAvatarTypes: [String]
  appId: String

  """Returns only for current user. Returns `null` otherwise."""
  appUserId: String

  """Returns only for current user. Returns `null` otherwise."""
  facebookId: String

  """Returns only for current user. Returns `null` otherwise."""
  githubId: String

  """Returns only for current user. Returns `null` otherwise."""
  twitterId: String

  """Number of articles this user has replied to"""
  repliedArticleCount: Int!

  """Number of article replies this user has given feedbacks"""
  votedArticleReplyCount: Int!
  level: Int!
  points: PointInfo!
  createdAt: String
  updatedAt: String
  lastActiveAt: String

  """List of contributions made by the user"""
    """List only the contributions between the specific time range."""
    dateRange: TimeRangeInput
  ): [Contribution]

  """If not null, the user is blocked with the announcement in this string."""
  blockedReason: String

enum AvatarTypeEnum {

"""Information of a user's point. Only available for current user."""
type PointInfo {
  """Points earned by the current user"""
  total: Int!

  """Points required for current level"""
  currentLevel: Int!

  """Points required for next level. null when there is no next level."""
  nextLevel: Int!

type Contribution {
  date: String
  count: Int

List only the entries that were created between the specific time range. The time range value is in elasticsearch date format (
input TimeRangeInput {
  LT: String
  LTE: String
  GT: String
  GTE: String
  EQ: String

"""Reflects how the replier categories the replied article."""
enum ReplyTypeEnum {
  """The replier thinks that the article contains false information."""

  """The replier thinks that the articles contains no false information."""

  The replier thinks that the article is actually not a complete article on the internet or passed around in messengers.

  The replier thinks that the article contains personal viewpoint and is not objective.

enum ArticleReplyStatusEnum {

  """Created by a blocked user violating terms of use."""

"""Data behind a hyperlink"""
type Hyperlink {
  """URL in text"""
  url: String

  """URL normalized by scrapUrl"""
  normalizedUrl: String
  title: String
  summary: String
  topImageUrl: String
  fetchedAt: String
  status: String
  error: String

type ReplyConnection implements Connection {
  The total count of the entire collection, regardless of "before", "after".
  totalCount: Int!
  edges: [ReplyConnectionEdge!]!
  pageInfo: ReplyConnectionPageInfo!

Connection model for a list of nodes. Modeled after Relay's GraphQL Server Specification.
interface Connection {
  edges: [Edge!]!
  totalCount: Int!
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

"""Edge in Connection. Modeled after GraphQL connection model."""
interface Edge {
  node: Node!
  cursor: String!

"""PageInfo in Connection. Modeled after GraphQL connection model."""
interface PageInfo {
  The cursor pointing to the first node of the entire collection, regardless of "before" and "after". Can be used to determine if is in the last page. Null when the collection is empty.
  firstCursor: String

  The cursor pointing to the last node of the entire collection, regardless of "before" and "after". Can be used to determine if is in the last page. Null when the collection is empty.
  lastCursor: String

type ReplyConnectionEdge implements Edge {
  node: Reply!
  cursor: String!
  score: Float
  highlight: Highlights

type Highlights {
  """Article or Reply text"""
  text: String

  """Reply reference"""
  reference: String

  """Article or Reply hyperlinks"""
  hyperlinks: [Hyperlink]

type ReplyConnectionPageInfo implements PageInfo {
  lastCursor: String
  firstCursor: String

An entry of orderBy argument. Specifies field name and the sort order. Only one field name is allowd per entry.
input SimilarReplyOrderBy {
  _score: SortOrderEnum
  createdAt: SortOrderEnum

enum SortOrderEnum {

"""User feedback to an ArticleReply"""
type ArticleReplyFeedback implements Node {
  id: ID!
  user: User
  userId: String
  appId: String

  """User ID of the reply's author"""
  replyUserId: String!

  """User ID of the article-reply's author"""
  articleReplyUserId: String!
  comment: String
  createdAt: String
  updatedAt: String
  status: ArticleReplyFeedbackStatusEnum!

  """User's vote on the articleReply"""
  vote: FeedbackVote

  One of 1, 0 and -1. Representing upvote, neutral and downvote, respectively
  score: Int @deprecated(reason: "Use vote instead")

  """The scored article-reply's article"""
  article: Article

  """The scored article-reply's reply"""
  reply: Reply

  """The scored article-reply"""
  articleReply: ArticleReply

enum ArticleReplyFeedbackStatusEnum {

  """Created by a blocked user violating terms of use."""

enum FeedbackVote {

"""A ChatGPT reply for an article with no human fact-checks yet"""
type AIReply implements Node & AIResponse {
  id: ID!

  """The id for the document that this AI response is for."""
  docId: ID

  """AI response type"""
  type: AIResponseTypeEnum!

  """The user triggered this AI response"""
  user: User

  """Processing status of AI"""
  status: AIResponseStatusEnum!

  """AI response text. Populated after status becomes SUCCESS."""
  text: String
  createdAt: String!
  updatedAt: String

  The usage returned from OpenAI. Populated after status becomes SUCCESS.
  usage: OpenAICompletionUsage

"""Denotes an AI processed response and its processing status."""
interface AIResponse implements Node {
  id: ID!

  """The id for the document that this AI response is for."""
  docId: ID

  """AI response type"""
  type: AIResponseTypeEnum!

  """The user triggered this AI response"""
  user: User

  """Processing status of AI"""
  status: AIResponseStatusEnum!

  """AI response text. Populated after status becomes SUCCESS."""
  text: String
  createdAt: String!
  updatedAt: String

enum AIResponseTypeEnum {
  """The AI Response is an automated analysis / reply of an article."""

  """AI transcribed text of the specified article."""

enum AIResponseStatusEnum {

type OpenAICompletionUsage {
  promptTokens: Int!
  completionTokens: Int!
  totalTokens: Int!

Transcript from OCR or speech-to-text AI models for the specified MediaEntry ID as docId.
type AITranscript implements Node & AIResponse {
  id: ID!

  """The id for the document that this AI response is for."""
  docId: ID

  """AI response type"""
  type: AIResponseTypeEnum!

  """The user triggered this AI response"""
  user: User

  """Processing status of AI"""
  status: AIResponseStatusEnum!

  """AI response text. Populated after status becomes SUCCESS."""
  text: String
  createdAt: String!
  updatedAt: String

"""The linkage between an Article and a Category"""
type ArticleCategory implements Node {
  id: ID!
  categoryId: String
  category: Category
  articleId: String
  article: Article

  """The user who updated this category with this article."""
  user: User
  userId: String!
  appId: String!
  canUpdateStatus: Boolean
  feedbackCount: Int
  positiveFeedbackCount: Int
  negativeFeedbackCount: Int
  feedbacks: [ArticleCategoryFeedback]

  The feedback of current user. null when not logged in or not voted yet.
  ownVote: FeedbackVote
  status: ArticleCategoryStatusEnum
  aiModel: String
  aiConfidence: Float
  createdAt: String
  updatedAt: String

"""Category label for specific topic"""
type Category implements Node {
  id: ID!
  title: String
  description: String
  createdAt: String
  updatedAt: String
    When specified, returns only article categories with the specified status
    status: ArticleCategoryStatusEnum
    orderBy: [CategoryArticleCategoriesOrderBy]

    """Returns only first <first> results"""
    first: Int = 10

    Specify a cursor, returns results after this cursor. cannot be used with "before".
    after: String

    Specify a cursor, returns results before this cursor. cannot be used with "after".
    before: String
  ): ArticleCategoryConnection

type ArticleCategoryConnection implements Connection {
  The total count of the entire collection, regardless of "before", "after".
  totalCount: Int!
  edges: [ArticleCategoryConnectionEdge!]!
  pageInfo: ArticleCategoryConnectionPageInfo!

type ArticleCategoryConnectionEdge implements Edge {
  node: ArticleCategory!
  cursor: String!
  score: Float
  highlight: Highlights

type ArticleCategoryConnectionPageInfo implements PageInfo {
  lastCursor: String
  firstCursor: String

enum ArticleCategoryStatusEnum {

  """Created by a blocked user violating terms of use."""

An entry of orderBy argument. Specifies field name and the sort order. Only one field name is allowd per entry.
input CategoryArticleCategoriesOrderBy {
  createdAt: SortOrderEnum

"""User feedback to an ArticleCategory"""
type ArticleCategoryFeedback {
  id: String
  user: User
  comment: String

  """User's vote on the articleCategory"""
  vote: FeedbackVote
  createdAt: String
  updatedAt: String

type ReplyRequest implements Node {
  id: ID!
  articleId: ID!
  userId: String
  appId: String

  """The author of reply request."""
  user: User
  reason: String
  feedbackCount: Int
  positiveFeedbackCount: Int
  negativeFeedbackCount: Int
  createdAt: String
  updatedAt: String

  The feedback of current user. null when not logged in or not voted yet.
  ownVote: FeedbackVote
  article: Article!
  status: ReplyRequestStatusEnum!

type ArticleConnection implements Connection {
  The total count of the entire collection, regardless of "before", "after".
  totalCount: Int!
  edges: [ArticleConnectionEdge!]!
  pageInfo: ArticleConnectionPageInfo!

type ArticleConnectionEdge implements Edge {
  node: Article!
  cursor: String!
  score: Float
  highlight: Highlights

  The search hit's similarity with provided mediaUrl.
            Ranges from 0 to 1. 0 if mediaUrl is not provided, or the hit is not matched by mediaUrl.
  mediaSimilarity: Float!

type ArticleConnectionPageInfo implements PageInfo {
  lastCursor: String
  firstCursor: String

input RelatedArticleFilter {
  replyCount: RangeInput

"""List only the entries whose field match the criteria."""
input RangeInput {
  LT: Int
  LTE: Int
  GT: Int
  GTE: Int
  EQ: Int

An entry of orderBy argument. Specifies field name and the sort order. Only one field name is allowd per entry.
input RelatedArticleOrderBy {
  _score: SortOrderEnum
  updatedAt: SortOrderEnum

type Analytics implements Node {
  id: ID!

  """The id for the document that this analytic datapoint is for."""
  docId: ID!

  """Type of document that this analytic datapoint is for."""
  type: AnalyticsDocTypeEnum!

  """The day this analytic datapoint is represented, in YYYY-MM-DD format"""
  date: String!
  lineUser: Int
  lineVisit: Int
  webUser: Int
  webVisit: Int

  """Sum of LIFF visitor count from all sources"""
  liffUser: Int!

  """Sum of LIFF view count from all sources"""
  liffVisit: Int!
  liff: [AnalyticsLiffEntry!]!

  """Author of the document that this analytic datapoint measures."""
  docUserId: ID

  Authoring app ID of the document that this analytic datapoint measures.
  docAppId: ID

enum AnalyticsDocTypeEnum {

type AnalyticsLiffEntry {
  """utm_source for this LIFF stat entry. Empty string if not set."""
  source: String!
  user: Int!
  visit: Int!

enum ArticleTypeEnum {

enum AttachmentVariantEnum {
  """The original file. Only available to logged-in users."""

  """Downsized file. Fixed-width webp for images; other type TBD."""

  Tiny, static image representing the attachment. Fixed-height jpeg for images; other types TBD.

type Cooccurrence implements Node {
  id: ID!
  userId: String!
  appId: String!
  articles: [Article!]!
  articleIds: [String!]!
  createdAt: String!
  updatedAt: String!

type Contributor {
  """The user who contributed to this article."""
  user: User
  userId: String!
  appId: String!
  updatedAt: String

type Ydoc {
  """Binary that stores as base64 encoded string"""
  data: String

  """Ydoc snapshots which are used to restore to specific version"""
  versions: [YdocVersion]

type YdocVersion {
  createdAt: String

  """Binary that stores as base64 encoded string"""
  snapshot: String

input ListArticleFilter {
  """Show only articles created by a specific app."""
  appId: String

  """Show only articles created by the specific user."""
  userId: String

  """Show only articles created by the specified users."""
  userIds: [String!]

  List only the articles that were created between the specific time range.
  createdAt: TimeRangeInput

  """If given, only list out articles with specific IDs"""
  ids: [ID!]

  """Only list the articles created by the currently logged in user"""
  selfOnly: Boolean

  """List only the articles whose number of replies matches the criteria."""
  replyCount: RangeInput

  """List only the articles whose number of categories match the criteria."""
  categoryCount: RangeInput

  List only articles that match any of the specified categories.ArticleCategories that are deleted or has more negative feedbacks than positive ones are not taken into account.
  categoryIds: [String]

  """List all articles related to a given string."""
  moreLikeThis: MoreLikeThisInput

  """List only the articles whose number of replies matches the criteria."""
  replyRequestCount: RangeInput

  [Deprecated] use articleReply filter instead. List only the articles that were replied between the specific time range.
  repliedAt: TimeRangeInput

  Specify an articleId here to show only articles from the sender of that specified article.
  fromUserOfArticleId: String

  """Show only articles with(out) article replies created by specified user"""
  articleRepliesFrom: UserAndExistInput

  Show only articles with(out) article transcript contributed by specified user
  transcribedBy: UserAndExistInput

              When true, return only articles with any article replies that has more positive feedback than negative.
              When false, return articles with none of its article replies that has more positive feedback, including those with no replies yet.
              In both scenario, deleted article replies are not taken into account.
  hasArticleReplyWithMorePositiveFeedback: Boolean

  [Deprecated] use articleReply filter instead. List the articles with replies of certain types
  replyTypes: [ReplyTypeEnum]

  """List the articles with certain types"""
  articleTypes: [ArticleTypeEnum]

  """Show the media article similar to the input url"""
  mediaUrl: String

  Specifies how the transcript of `mediaUrl` can be used to search. Can only specify `transcript` when `mediaUrl` is specified.
  transcript: TranscriptFilter

  """Show articles with article replies matching this criteria"""
  articleReply: ArticleReplyFilterInput

  """Returns only articles with the specified statuses"""
  statuses: [ArticleStatusEnum!] = [NORMAL]

Parameters for Elasticsearch more_like_this query.
input MoreLikeThisInput {
  """The text string to search for."""
  like: String

  more_like_this query's "minimum_should_match" query param.
  See for possible values.
  minimumShouldMatch: String

input UserAndExistInput {
  userId: String!

          When true (or not specified), return only entries with the specified user's involvement.
          When false, return only entries that the specified user did not involve.
  exists: Boolean = true

input TranscriptFilter {
  more_like_this query's "minimum_should_match" query param for the transcript of `mediaUrl`
  See for possible values.
  minimumShouldMatch: String

  Only used when `filter.mediaUrl` is provided. Generates transcript if provided `filter.mediaUrl` is not transcribed previously.
  shouldCreate: Boolean = false

input ArticleReplyFilterInput {
  """Show only articleReplies created by a specific app."""
  appId: String

  """Show only articleReplies created by the specific user."""
  userId: String

  """Show only articleReplies created by the specified users."""
  userIds: [String!]

  List only the articleReplies that were created between the specific time range.
  createdAt: TimeRangeInput

  """Only list the articleReplies created by the currently logged in user"""
  selfOnly: Boolean
  statuses: [ArticleReplyStatusEnum!] = [NORMAL]
  replyTypes: [ReplyTypeEnum]

enum ArticleStatusEnum {

  """Created by a blocked user violating terms of use."""

An entry of orderBy argument. Specifies field name and the sort order. Only one field name is allowd per entry.
input ListArticleOrderBy {
  _score: SortOrderEnum
  updatedAt: SortOrderEnum
  createdAt: SortOrderEnum
  replyRequestCount: SortOrderEnum
  replyCount: SortOrderEnum
  lastRequestedAt: SortOrderEnum
  lastRepliedAt: SortOrderEnum
  lastMatchingArticleReplyCreatedAt: SortOrderEnum

input ListReplyFilter {
  """Show only replies created by a specific app."""
  appId: String

  """Show only replies created by the specific user."""
  userId: String

  """Show only replies created by the specified users."""
  userIds: [String!]

  List only the replies that were created between the specific time range.
  createdAt: TimeRangeInput

  """If given, only list out replies with specific IDs"""
  ids: [ID!]

  """Only list the replies created by the currently logged in user"""
  selfOnly: Boolean
  moreLikeThis: MoreLikeThisInput

  """[Deprecated] use types instead."""
  type: ReplyTypeEnum

  """List the replies of certain types"""
  types: [ReplyTypeEnum]

An entry of orderBy argument. Specifies field name and the sort order. Only one field name is allowd per entry.
input ListReplyOrderBy {
  _score: SortOrderEnum
  createdAt: SortOrderEnum

type ListCategoryConnection implements Connection {
  The total count of the entire collection, regardless of "before", "after".
  totalCount: Int!
  edges: [ListCategoryConnectionEdge!]!
  pageInfo: ListCategoryConnectionPageInfo!

type ListCategoryConnectionEdge implements Edge {
  node: Category!
  cursor: String!
  score: Float
  highlight: Highlights

type ListCategoryConnectionPageInfo implements PageInfo {
  lastCursor: String
  firstCursor: String

An entry of orderBy argument. Specifies field name and the sort order. Only one field name is allowd per entry.
input ListCategoryOrderBy {
  createdAt: SortOrderEnum

type ListArticleReplyFeedbackConnection implements Connection {
  The total count of the entire collection, regardless of "before", "after".
  totalCount: Int!
  edges: [ListArticleReplyFeedbackConnectionEdge!]!
  pageInfo: ListArticleReplyFeedbackConnectionPageInfo!

type ListArticleReplyFeedbackConnectionEdge implements Edge {
  node: ArticleReplyFeedback!
  cursor: String!
  score: Float
  highlight: Highlights

type ListArticleReplyFeedbackConnectionPageInfo implements PageInfo {
  lastCursor: String
  firstCursor: String

input ListArticleReplyFeedbackFilter {
  """Show only article reply feedbacks created by a specific app."""
  appId: String

  """Show only article reply feedbacks created by the specific user."""
  userId: String

  """Show only article reply feedbacks created by the specified users."""
  userIds: [String!]

  List only the article reply feedbacks that were created between the specific time range.
  createdAt: TimeRangeInput

  """If given, only list out article reply feedbacks with specific IDs"""
  ids: [ID!]

  Only list the article reply feedbacks created by the currently logged in user
  selfOnly: Boolean
  articleId: String
  replyId: String

  """Search for comment field using more_like_this query"""
  moreLikeThis: MoreLikeThisInput

  """When specified, list only article reply feedbacks with specified vote"""
  vote: [FeedbackVote]

  List only the article reply feedbacks that were last updated within the specific time range.
  updatedAt: TimeRangeInput

  """List only the article reply feedbacks with the selected statuses"""
  statuses: [ArticleReplyFeedbackStatusEnum!] = [NORMAL]

  """List only the feedbacks to the replies created by this user ID"""
  replyUserId: String

  """List only the feedbacks to the article-replies created by this user ID"""
  articleReplyUserId: String

  List only the feedbacks whose `replyUserId` *or* `articleReplyUserId` is this user ID
  authorId: String

An entry of orderBy argument. Specifies field name and the sort order. Only one field name is allowd per entry.
input ListArticleReplyFeedbackOrderBy {
  createdAt: SortOrderEnum
  updatedAt: SortOrderEnum
  vote: SortOrderEnum

  """Full text relevance for comment field queries"""
  _score: SortOrderEnum

type ListReplyRequestConnection implements Connection {
  The total count of the entire collection, regardless of "before", "after".
  totalCount: Int!
  edges: [ListReplyRequestConnectionEdge!]!
  pageInfo: ListReplyRequestConnectionPageInfo!

type ListReplyRequestConnectionEdge implements Edge {
  node: ReplyRequest!
  cursor: String!
  score: Float
  highlight: Highlights

type ListReplyRequestConnectionPageInfo implements PageInfo {
  lastCursor: String
  firstCursor: String

input ListReplyRequestFilter {
  """Show only reply requests created by a specific app."""
  appId: String

  """Show only reply requests created by the specific user."""
  userId: String

  """Show only reply requests created by the specified users."""
  userIds: [String!]

  List only the reply requests that were created between the specific time range.
  createdAt: TimeRangeInput

  """If given, only list out reply requests with specific IDs"""
  ids: [ID!]

  """Only list the reply requests created by the currently logged in user"""
  selfOnly: Boolean
  articleId: String

  """List only reply requests with specified statuses"""
  statuses: [ReplyRequestStatusEnum!] = [NORMAL]

An entry of orderBy argument. Specifies field name and the sort order. Only one field name is allowd per entry.
input ListReplyRequestOrderBy {
  createdAt: SortOrderEnum
  vote: SortOrderEnum

type UserConnection implements Connection {
  The total count of the entire collection, regardless of "before", "after".
  totalCount: Int!
  edges: [UserConnectionEdge!]!
  pageInfo: UserConnectionPageInfo!

type UserConnectionEdge implements Edge {
  node: User!
  cursor: String!
  score: Float
  highlight: Highlights

type UserConnectionPageInfo implements PageInfo {
  lastCursor: String
  firstCursor: String

input ListBlockedUsersFilter {
  List only the blocked users that were registered between the specific time range.
  createdAt: TimeRangeInput

An entry of orderBy argument. Specifies field name and the sort order. Only one field name is allowd per entry.
input ListBlockedUsersOrderBy {
  createdAt: SortOrderEnum

type AnalyticsConnection implements Connection {
  The total count of the entire collection, regardless of "before", "after".
  totalCount: Int!
  edges: [AnalyticsConnectionEdge!]!
  pageInfo: AnalyticsConnectionPageInfo!

type AnalyticsConnectionEdge implements Edge {
  node: Analytics!
  cursor: String!
  score: Float
  highlight: Highlights

type AnalyticsConnectionPageInfo implements PageInfo {
  lastCursor: String
  firstCursor: String

input ListAnalyticsFilter {
  """List only the activities between the specific time range."""
  date: TimeRangeInput
  type: AnalyticsDocTypeEnum
  docId: ID
  docUserId: ID
  docAppId: ID

An entry of orderBy argument. Specifies field name and the sort order. Only one field name is allowd per entry.
input ListAnalyticsOrderBy {
  date: SortOrderEnum

type AIResponseConnection implements Connection {
  The total count of the entire collection, regardless of "before", "after".
  totalCount: Int!
  edges: [AIResponseConnectionEdge!]!
  pageInfo: AIResponseConnectionPageInfo!

type AIResponseConnectionEdge implements Edge {
  node: AIResponse!
  cursor: String!
  score: Float
  highlight: Highlights

type AIResponseConnectionPageInfo implements PageInfo {
  lastCursor: String
  firstCursor: String

input ListAIResponsesFilter {
  """Show only AI responses created by a specific app."""
  appId: String

  """Show only AI responses created by the specific user."""
  userId: String

  """Show only AI responses created by the specified users."""
  userIds: [String!]

  List only the AI responses that were created between the specific time range.
  createdAt: TimeRangeInput

  """If given, only list out AI responses with specific IDs"""
  ids: [ID!]

  """Only list the AI responses created by the currently logged in user"""
  selfOnly: Boolean

  """If specified, only return AI repsonses with the specified types."""
  types: [AIResponseTypeEnum!]

  """If specified, only return AI repsonses under the specified doc IDs."""
  docIds: [ID!]

  """If specified, only return AI repsonses under the specified statuses."""
  statuses: [AIResponseStatusEnum!]

  """List only the AI responses updated within the specific time range."""
  updatedAt: TimeRangeInput

An entry of orderBy argument. Specifies field name and the sort order. Only one field name is allowd per entry.
input ListAIResponsesOrderBy {
  createdAt: SortOrderEnum
  updatedAt: SortOrderEnum

type ListCooccurrenceConnection implements Connection {
  The total count of the entire collection, regardless of "before", "after".
  totalCount: Int!
  edges: [ListCooccurrenceConnectionEdge!]!
  pageInfo: ListCooccurrenceConnectionPageInfo!

type ListCooccurrenceConnectionEdge implements Edge {
  node: Cooccurrence!
  cursor: String!
  score: Float
  highlight: Highlights

type ListCooccurrenceConnectionPageInfo implements PageInfo {
  lastCursor: String
  firstCursor: String

input ListCooccurrenceFilter {
  List only the cooccurrence that were last updated within the specific time range.
  updatedAt: TimeRangeInput

An entry of orderBy argument. Specifies field name and the sort order. Only one field name is allowd per entry.
input ListCooccurrenceOrderBy {
  createdAt: SortOrderEnum
  updatedAt: SortOrderEnum

type ValidationResult {
  success: Boolean!
  error: SlugErrorEnum

"""Slug of canot"""
enum SlugErrorEnum {
  """Slug is empty"""

  """Slug have leading or trailing spaces or line ends"""

  """Slug has URI component inside, which can be misleading to browsers"""

  """Slug has already been taken by someone else"""

type Mutation {
  """Create an article and/or a replyRequest"""
    text: String!
    reference: ArticleReferenceInput!

    The reason why the user want to submit this article. Mandatory for 1st sender
    reason: String
  ): MutationResult

  """Create a media article and/or a replyRequest"""
    mediaUrl: String!
    articleType: ArticleTypeEnum!
    reference: ArticleReferenceInput!

    """The reason why the user want to submit this article"""
    reason: String
  ): MutationResult

  """Create a reply that replies to the specified article."""
    articleId: String!
    text: String!
    type: ReplyTypeEnum!
    reference: String

    """If CreateReply should resolve after hyperlinks are resolved."""
    waitForHyperlinks: Boolean = false
  ): MutationResult

  Create an AI reply for a specific article. If existed, returns an existing one. If information in the article is not sufficient for AI, return null.
  CreateAIReply(articleId: String!): AIReply

  """Connects specified reply and specified article."""
  CreateArticleReply(articleId: String!, replyId: String!): [ArticleReply]

  """Create a category"""
  CreateCategory(title: String!, description: String!): MutationResult

  """Adds specified category to specified article."""
  CreateArticleCategory(articleId: String!, categoryId: String!, aiModel: String, aiConfidence: Float): [ArticleCategory]

  """Create or update a reply request for the given article"""
    articleId: String!

    """The reason why the user want to submit this article"""
    reason: String
  ): Article @deprecated(reason: "Use CreateOrUpdateReplyRequest instead")

  """Create or update a reply request for the given article"""
    articleId: String!

    """The reason why the user want to submit this article"""
    reason: String
  ): Article

  """Create or update a feedback on an article-reply connection"""
  CreateOrUpdateArticleReplyFeedback(articleId: String!, replyId: String!, vote: FeedbackVote!, comment: String): ArticleReply

  """Create or update a feedback on an article-category connection"""
  CreateOrUpdateArticleCategoryFeedback(articleId: String!, categoryId: String!, vote: FeedbackVote!, comment: String): ArticleCategory

  """Create or update a feedback on a reply request reason"""
  CreateOrUpdateReplyRequestFeedback(replyRequestId: String!, vote: FeedbackVote!): ReplyRequest

  """Create or update a cooccurrence for the given articles"""
  CreateOrUpdateCooccurrence(articleIds: [String!]): Cooccurrence

  """Change status of specified articleReplies"""
  UpdateArticleReplyStatus(articleId: String!, replyId: String!, status: ArticleReplyStatusEnum!): [ArticleReply]

  """Change status of specified articleCategory"""
  UpdateArticleCategoryStatus(articleId: String!, categoryId: String!, status: ArticleCategoryStatusEnum!): [ArticleCategory]

  """Change attribute of a user"""
  UpdateUser(name: String, slug: String, avatarType: AvatarTypeEnum, avatarData: String, bio: String): User

type MutationResult {
  id: String

input ArticleReferenceInput {
  type: ArticleReferenceTypeEnum!
  permalink: String